Self-employed business operators are often unable to produce ample historical profit figures to satisfy their finance provider. A car financebroker will know which financiers are most likely to lend to the self-employed on approving terms, and how to best present your case. Lenders usually charge higher interest rates to those with inadequate business finance histories, but a broker is likely to be able to negotiate the same favourable rates for you as would be offered if you could demonstrate a history of profitable trading.
Private buyers will appreciate the expediency of working through a car finance broke. They know which lenders offer the best all-round deals, and are able to quickly identify the lender most likely to house any special requirements.
If you have a bad credit history, your broker knows how to most positively present your case, and which lenders are prepared to consider lending to buyers with a bad credit history. A broker can help you work out an arrangement between you and the lender. Lenders are more comfortable relying on the broker’s assurances than yours!
Using a car finance broker also saves your time. Frustration and stress is eliminated, because the broker won’t waste your time with irrelevant subjects. Brokers can often negotiate pre-approval, so that you can go car shopping with complete confidence and sign for the vehicle of your choice without vacillation.
- Which financiers are reputable and offer the most favourable rates and terms
- The best way to structure finance for tax savings
- How to recover GST efficiently
- How to minimize fringe benefits tax obligations
- How to reduce the impact of a car purchase on business cash flow.
Unless you are a finance expert, using a car finance broker to arrange finance is almost certain to expose financing options you would otherwise not consider, and in many cases these options will prove more cost-effective and convenient than more traditional finance packages. Look through the list of options on the Fincar car finance website.