Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Novated Lease-A Favored Form Of Salary Packaging

Over the years, leasing cars for business associated activities has grown out to be pretty extensive practice, across the world. Whether you take the case of a big firm or a hotel series, leasing cars meant for business uses is reasonably universal these days. Companies moreover have a preference for leasing cars as it is a lot more commercial option that allows them to lease a car for a predetermined time at a smaller amount of money.

In modern times, a variety of options have achieved recognition amongst companies looking at, leasing a vehicle. Of these, novated lease is possibly the most favored choice.

In Australia, a novated lease agreement usually consists of two contracts. To begin with, an agreement to lease a vehicle among an employee and the leasing company. Afterwards, there is a three way agreement between an employer, employee and leasing party, under which the employee hand over their lease payment to their employer with the approval of the employer and leasing company. The employer then puts together the lease payments in support of the employee, and subtracts them out of the employee's pre-tax earnings (identified as salary packaging a vehicle).

The process of a novated lease:

If your boss recommends Novated Leasing, as a salary packaging alternative, in that case, you can always decide on an automobile that goes well with, your standards of living. You can select the make and model, latest or second-hand, sedan, wagon, 4WD, etc., devoid of, any of the limitations typically instituted with a conventional company fleet. You enter into a finance agreement in your individual name to ultimately have the possession of the chosen vehicle.

Once all this is concluded, you, your employer and the finance company all sign a Novation Agreement. Your employer is in agreement to undertake your responsibilities (repayments) to the finance company, and is liable for the entire decided vehicle operating expenses, which are taken away from your salary as element of your salary packaging agreement.

You consent to "salary surrender" a part of your wages in return for the advantage of a car, up to a specified amount. With Novated Lease, the lease, operational expenses of the vehicle and Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) are deducted from your pre-tax salary, and PAYG income tax is evaluated on your abridged salary. This eventually can successfully enhance your net non-refundable income as you pay a lesser amount of tax.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Easy Car Financing Through A Car Finance Calculator

Nowadays, each and every person wishes to have their personal car, and usually people purchase a car with the assistance of a car loan. Different countries boast different rules and regulations about the loans. There are certain clauses which establish the rates of interest, of car loans. If you are a resident of Australia then you ought to discover the conditions of car finance existing in Australia. There are many companies which can assist you about auto finance in this country.

To find out suitable finance for your car you have to ensure that you take some definite steps. First of all it is essential to execute a good amount of exploration about these loans.

You must stumble on accurate information regarding the financial organizations and other companies which put forward these loans. If you are in search of cheap car finance then one of the best manners to discover it is, with the help of comparison.

You can compare various car loans with their interest rates on the internet. Every institution which offers loans has their official website. You can find diverse sorts of information from these websites.

There are certain car finance companies in Australia, which also offer you car loan calculator. This calculator assists you to determine the monthly loan sum that you want to make plus your car acquisition cost.

Online Car loan calculators are easy web-based exploration tools or software codes, present on the websites of companies putting forward car financing plans, which also assists in evaluating the credit account of the person, submitting an application for the finance schemes. These calculators can also be exercised, without any charge.

These calculators significantly shorten the procedure of acquiring the most excellent and cheap car loan. The calculator can provide you details like the net interest rate, monthly payments plus the entire amount of interest that you will have to pay. You can make use of this online tool to get both new and used car loans.

Prior to, making any important buying decision, it is necessary that you are acquainted with; accurately what you are making yourself to pay. By taking benefit of a car finance calculator, you can make a well-versed choice regarding your vehicle acquisition.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Novated Lease- Most Sought After By Employers And Employees

A novated lease is a kind of automobile lease widespread in Australia that allocates a company to lease a motor vehicle, in support of, any member of the staff, with the accountability for the lease lying with the employee and the lease expenses being made from the employee's pre-tax wages.

In Australia, a novated lease is usually a three way contract ("novation contract") connecting an employer, worker and lease company, under which the employee leases a motor vehicle from the lease company, and employer is in agreement to undertake the employee's commitments under the lease.
There are three major sorts of novated lease: a novated finance lease, where only the vehicle is leased, a fully maintained novated lease, where the vehicle and its operating expenses are absorbed into the lease, and a fully maintained novated operating lease, where the vehicle and its operational expenditures are enclosed into the lease, and the outstanding value risk is assumed by the lesser.
Benefits in favor of the employee:
1. Prospective for considerable income tax savings.2. Savings on GST that would usually be acquired on vehicle operating expenses.3. Probable access to volume discounts if the employer has many motor vehicles in this plan.4. Extra flexibility in the selection of a car weighed against a company car agreement Vehicle stays with the employee and can be reallocated to a new employer.
Benefits meant for the employer:
1. A mean to offer an efficient boost in employees' earnings with no or negligible expenditure to the business.2. Potentially a commercial option in operating a fleet of company vehicles Compared to company cars, the business does not presume any danger for the vehicles.3. Compared to company cars, employee vehicles are "off the books".
Making use of a novated lease to fund your automobile does not signify that it can merely be used for business uses only. The car can be used for your private use and also in any other way that fits you. As, repayments are often lesser than car loan repayments in this agreement, as a result, it is an attractive option for any person who is struggling to afford a car loan.
Overall, it is very simple to know why this sort of automobile financing is gaining so much fame these days.
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